Marbut and Energy Conservation - Facts
Gary studied residential energy conservation principles while
living for a decade in Fairbanks, Alaska, in a climate where
residential energy conservation is at a premium.
When Gary returned to Montana in 1979, he designed and built a
home that was then and remains still a model of residential energy
conservation. This home was ahead of its time then, and is
so today. Gary built his model home to be super-insulated,
partly earth-sheltered, passive solar, active solar, high thermal
mass, tightly sealed with controlled ventilation, super-efficient
shape, and with unique integration of energy conservation features
and principles. This home uses ground-source cooling in the
summer to keep it cool at virtually no cost. When new, this
home was featured in the Missoulian as a model of energy
conservation. Backup heat for this home is electric, metered
separately for monitoring purposes. This 2,400 square foot
home still remains ahead of its time, with an annual consumption
of electricity for heat of less than $10 per year.
During the 1980s, Gary consulted for residential energy
conservation, helping many homeowners make wise choices about what
expenditures in energy conservation would pay acceptable returns
on the investment.
In the mid-1980s, Gary was appointed by Governor Ted Schwinden to
the Governor's Advisory Council for Energy Conservation.
During this period, Gary devised recommended energy conservation
standards for new residential construction, most of which were
adopted by the Northwest Power Planning Council for implementation
within the distribution area of the Bonneville Power
In the mid-1980s, Gary wrote and developed software to analyze the
multitude of features for any structure that play into the
long-term energy consumption cost effectiveness for that
structure, software intended primarily to model planned new
residential construction. Gary's software was approved by
the federal Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae lending underwriters to
qualify new construction properly modeled and designed for
increased loans to pay for proven energy conservation features,
design and materials. Gary eventually sold this software
into the architectural industry. The methodology and
mathematics in this software became the backbone for future
evolution in residential energy modeling software.
During the 1990s, Gary developed a template for using
over-the-road woody biomass converters to convert forest cleanup
residue into green electricity and deliver that green power to
market using the existing power grid. This process could
generate gigawatts of indefinitely renewable power annually, clean
up fire-prone forests, put forest products people to work, and
stimulate the economy, all with zero carbon footprint and
For nearly twenty years, Gary has paid extra on his electrical
bill every month to purchase electricity generated by green,
renewable sources.